The Palestinian anti-colonial armed resistance are central to the Palestinian freedom struggle and they are often overlooked, propagandized, and maligned by Euro/America. It is the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their armed resistance that has brought Palestine to the consciousness of the world, and will ultimately liberate Palestine out from under the boot of relentless US/Israeli colonial control. Below are resources to learn more about the resistance:
Follow on Twitter for Analysis:
Abdaljawad Omar, Ali Abunimah, Ahmed Hassan, Aldan Marki, Amal Saad, The Anti-Empire Project, Big Brother, The Brief Podcast, Cheri, Electronic Intifada, Eyes on South, Ihcen, Jon Elmer, Mouin Rabbani, PFLP News, Rawan, Resistance is Love, Revolutionary Em, Trhxianl
Ongoing coverage of the resistance:
Electronic Intifada Resistance Reports - Weekly resistance analysis with Jon Elmer
Resistance News Network Telegram (and backup) - News/updates from the resistance
Conversations with Abdaljawad Omar - Playlist of key conversations on the resistance
Gaza War Sit-Reps - Bi-weekly axis of resistance updates via the Anti-Empire Project
Hamas is a Figment of Your Imagination (Steve Salaita)
The Question of Hamas and the Left (Abdaljawad Omar)
How Gaza Made Weapons are Impacting the Battle Against Israeli Armored Vehicles (Jon Elmer)
Palestine’s Resistance has Already Won in Gaza by Susan Abulhawa
Invasions Fail to Break Spirit of Resistance in Jabaliya (Tamara Nassar)
A Practical Appraisal of Palestinian Violence (Steve Salaita)
A Story of Love and Resistance (Susan Abulhawa)
Anti-Zionism as Decolonisation (Leila Shomali and Lara Kilani)
Trinity of Fundamentals (Wisam Rafeedie)
This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed (Charles E. Cobb)
Ghassan Kanafani Selected Political Writings (Ghassan Kanafani)
Hamas: A History from Within (Azzam S. Tamimi)
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017 (Rashid Khalidi)